Plan B Solutions Ltd: Award-winning, Independent Workplace Consultants

Evidence-based workplaces for hybrid workforces

We use our ever growing evidence base to create customised and innovative working strategies and the workplaces to fully support them

Summary of Services

Post-pandemic workplaces

"What should we be doing about the workplace right now?"

...and other key questions the property team will be asking

Hybrid working solutions

The role your workplace, and the way it operates, has as part of an overall hybrid working solution

Workplace appraisal

It's never been more important to understand how well your workplace supports the evolving  demands of your workforce. Find out how...

Desk booking systems

Booking systems are a key tool in optimising workplace performance.

What to look for? What to avoid? What your first action should be...

Hybrid working and post-pandemic workplaces

Before deciding what the future looks like for your organisation and its workplaces, some key questions need to be answered. Our consultants will lead you through establishing robust, quantitative answers to these questions - for your organisation - and then develop detailed, evidence-based solutions with you.

  • How productive is the organisation when staff are home-based? 
  • What level of home working should therefore be retained beyond the end of COVID restrictions?
  • What does the future workplace look like - if many staff are based largely from home?
  • Is there an opportunity to reduce overall estate size from pre-pandemic levels?


The time to act is now - before departments and staff return to the office, reverting to the old normal. Once this happens much of the opportunity for increased organisational productivity and significant property consolidation is likely lost.


Hybrid Working and Post-pandemic Workplace Strategies

COVID-19 SPOTLIGHT! - Desk Booking Systems

Booking systems - desk booking systems in particular - are a very hot topic. We explain why and highlight why selecting a booking system for your workplace is more involved than it first appears:


  1. Why is a booking system a valuable tool in the fight against COVID-19 in the workplace?
  2. Why is a desk booking system even more crucial in a desk-sharing environment post-COVID than it was pre-COVID?

Workplace Strategy Services


By analysing the effectiveness of our customers' workplaces and their work space utilisation, Plan B Solutions enables clients to achieve significant improvements in workplace occupancy and considerable savings in property costs by changing the way they think about, and potentially transforming the way they use, their workplaces.